Direct Booking
Welcome to the Direct Booking area! Here you'll find direct links to trusted flight providers such as Skyscanner, KIWI, as well as airlines like Lufthansa.
Save yourself the time of cumbersome internet searches and book your flight quickly and easily.
"Direct Booking" Flight
In the “Direct Booking” section, we offer a simple way to find and book flights to your next European destination. We provide direct links to trusted flight providers like Skyscanner, KIWI, and even the Lufthansa Group, making it easy to check flight prices.
Discover the convenience of ‘Direct Booking’ on ‘My Favorites’. Here, you can store your preferred travel providers for hotels, flights, and more. Create your unique booking environment and avoid the time-consuming process of searching through the internet for providers.

Direct booking with Best Price Search using an interactive calendar. Offers exclusive fares from Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian, Eurowings, and other Star Alliance partners like UA, AC, etc. Ideal for flexible travelers looking to find the cheapest flights from the US to Europe over longer time periods. Known for high service quality and reliability.
- Advantage: Best choice for flexible travelers seeking high-quality flights and the best prices over a range of dates.
- Disadvantage: Limited to flights from the Lufthansa Group and Star Alliance partners.

Expedia is a comprehensive travel booking platform offering a wide range of flight deals to destinations worldwide. It is perfect for both last-minute bookings and well-planned vacations, allowing travelers to combine flights with hotels, car rentals, and more.
- Advantage: Ideal for travelers who want to book complete travel packages (flights + hotels, etc.) in one place.
- Disadvantage: Focuses more on travel packages rather than finding the absolute lowest flight price.

Skyscanner is a flight search engine that allows users to compare flight prices from various airlines and travel agencies in real time. It's ideal for travelers who already have fixed travel dates and want to find the best prices for those specific dates.
- Advantage: Perfect for travelers who know their travel dates and are looking for the cheapest options for those specific dates.
- Disadvantage: Less suitable for users who are still flexible and want to find the lowest prices over a longer period. is a flexible booking platform known for combining different types of transport, including flights, trains, buses, and sometimes ferries, to offer the best and most cost-effective routes. It provides guaranteed connections and transparent pricing, making it ideal for travelers who are flexible with their travel plans and looking for unique combinations.
- Advantage: Great for travelers seeking a mix of transportation options (flights, trains, buses) and cost-effective routes with guaranteed connections.
- Disadvantage: Less suitable for those looking for traditional, direct flight routes or full travel packages.