Nolinski Paris
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Nolinski Paris
Type of Hotel
Downtown, Transport Hub, Art District:
Boutique Hotel
16 Avenue de l'Opéra, Paris, 75001
short description:
About Nolinski Paris
Nolinski Paris is a boutique hotel characterized by luxury and Parisian elegance. The interior combines minimalist design with Carrara marble and dark wood. The 45 soundproofed rooms and suites are equipped with modern amenities.
Situated on Avenue de l'Opera in the 1st arrondissement, the hotel is at the heart of Paris's cultural scene, with easy access to landmarks like the Comedie Francaise and the Palais Royal gardens, ideal for lovers of culture and history.
Special Feature
A highlight of Nolinski is the luxurious La Colline spa, a tranquil oasis with its stone-walled swimming pool and Louis XIV-style furnishings. The hotel also features a Michelin-starred restaurant, promising extraordinary culinary experiences.
Nolinski Paris - Location and Nearby Area
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