Welcome to the Direct Booking area for trains! Here you'll find direct links to trusted providers such as Deutsche Bahn, ÖBB, or SBB. Save yourself the hassle of cumbersome internet searches and book your train journey quickly and easily.
"Direct Booking" Train
Unlock the magic of European travel with unparalleled ease and convenience. Skip the airport lines, and hop aboard a train to discover the real Europe, from its bustling cities to its quaint countryside. Direct Booking makes it effortless to secure your seat on Europe’s top train routes, offering you.
Discover the convenience of ‘Direct Booking’ on ‘My Favorites’. Here, you can store your preferred travel providers for hotels, flights, and more. Create your unique booking environment and avoid the time-consuming process of searching through the internet for providers.

Omio is a premier travel booking platform that excels in offering a streamlined and comprehensive way to compare and book train and bus journeys. Unlike having to navigate multiple national railway and bus service websites, Omio consolidates all your travel options in one place, providing an easy-to-use interface for seamless trip planning. This makes it incredibly convenient for travelers, allowing them to quickly find the best routes and prices without the hassle of visiting each provider individually. While Omio charges a small booking fee for this service, the convenience and efficiency it offers make it a valuable tool for anyone planning to explore Europe by rail or bus.

Omio is a platform that makes it easy to compare and book train, bus, and ferry travel across Europe. It offers broad coverage of various providers and the ability to combine different transportation options.
- Advantage: Ideal for travelers looking for flexibility and a combination of train, bus, and ferry journeys.
- Disadvantage: Charges a small booking fee and offers fewer specialized features for train-only travel.
- OMIO - Terms and Conditions

- Type of Service: National and international train services, including high-speed, regional, and commuter trains.
- Network Coverage: Comprehensive network covering almost all parts of Germany and many European countries.
- Key Features: ICE trains are high-speed services with modern amenities and free Wi-Fi.

Type of Service: National and international train services, including high-speed AVE trains.
Network Coverage: Extensive coverage in Spain, including connections to France and Portugal.
Key Features: AVE trains can reach speeds of up to 310 km/h and offer in-seat entertainment systems.

Type of Service: National train services including high-speed (Frecciarossa), regional, and InterCity trains.
Network Coverage: Covers all of Italy, with some international services.
Key Features: Frecciarossa trains offer high speeds and luxurious amenities such as leather seats and gourmet meals.

United Kingdom
Type of Service: National railway operated by various private companies.
Network Coverage: Extensive network in England, Scotland, and Wales.
Key Features: The BritRail Pass allows unlimited travel for tourists and is only available for purchase outside of the United Kingdom.