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What language is spoken in Italy
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A couple riding a classic Italian moped through a narrow, picturesque alleyway in Italy, surrounded by historic buildings.

What language is spoken in Italy

Top 10 Italian Phrases Every American Traveler Should Know

What language is spoken in italy?

Italy is a land of history, art, and culinary delights. If you’re traveling to Italy from the US, especially to Rome, navigating the Italian language can be challenging. This guide will help you understand what language is spoken in Italy, particularly in Rome, and provide you with ten essential phrases that every traveler should know. These phrases will also be helpful if you ever need to translate Italian into English.

1. Buongiorno! (Good Morning!)

In Rome and throughout Italy, “Buongiorno” is a morning greeting that sets a positive tone for the day. Whether you’re exploring Rome’s historical sites or enjoying a coffee in Florence, this phrase is your key to a warm Italian welcome. Discover more about Rome’s culture in our Rome Travel Guide.

2. Per favore (Please)

Politeness is crucial when you’re in Italy, and “Per favore” is a phrase that shows respect. Whether you’re in a Venetian café or a Neapolitan pizzeria, this phrase will help you navigate social interactions smoothly. Learn more about Italian dining customs in our Venice Travel Guide.

3. Grazie (Thank You)

Gratitude is a universal language, but in Italy, saying “Grazie” can make your interactions more pleasant, especially in Rome’s bustling marketplaces or after a guided tour of Pompeii. Find out more about Pompeii’s historical significance in our Pompeii Travel Guide.

Typical Ruin of Pompeii showcasing ancient stone structures and preserved artifacts.
A typical ruin in Pompeii, displaying the well-preserved remains of the ancient city.

4. Scusa (Excuse me)

In Rome, “Scusa” is often used to politely navigate through crowds or to apologize for minor inconveniences. This phrase will be particularly useful when visiting busy tourist attractions like the Vatican or the Colosseum. Explore the beaches of Sardinia Sardinia Travel Guide.

5. Quanto costa? (How much does this cost?)

When shopping in Italy, particularly in the local markets of Rome or Florence, knowing how to ask for prices is essential. “Quanto costa?” will help you engage with vendors and perhaps even strike a deal. For shopping tips in Siena, visit our Siena Travel Guide.

6. Mi dispiace (I’m sorry)

“Mi dispiace” is a phrase that shows empathy and politeness, which is highly valued in Italian culture. Use it when things don’t go as planned, whether you’re in Rome or exploring the natural beauty of the Dolomites. Learn more about outdoor adventures in Italy in our Dolomites Travel Guide.

7. Dov’è il bagno? (Where is the bathroom?)

An essential phrase for any traveler, especially when enjoying Rome’s culinary delights. Asking “Dov’è il bagno?” after a hearty meal is common, and it’s a question that will often be met with friendly assistance. Before you travel, try our Spaghetti Bolognese recipe.

Beautifully arranged plate of spaghetti and tomatoes
by Mgg Vitchakorn
| A beautifully arranged plate of spaghetti and tomatoes, symbolizing the cultural nuances in communication styles

8. Parli inglese? (Do you speak English?)

In Rome and other tourist-heavy areas, you’ll often find people who speak English. However, in more rural parts of Italy, this phrase will be invaluable. For tips on navigating language barriers in Italy, check out our Amalfi Coast Travel Guide.

9. Vorrei… (I would like…)

This phrase is useful for ordering food or making requests, whether you’re in a Roman trattoria or a beachside café in Sardinia. It’s polite and helps you express your desires clearly. Learn more about Italian cuisine and culture in our Truffle Hunting in Italy Guide.

Freshly unearthed truffles ready for culinary use
The Treasure of Italian Cuisine: Discovering Truffles

10. Arrivederci! (Goodbye!)

“Arrivederci” is a warm and friendly way to say goodbye in Italy. It’s a phrase that you’ll use often, especially when leaving a favorite spot in Rome or saying farewell to new friends made along the way. Plan your next Italian adventure with our Italy Profile.

For a deeper dive into Italian greetings, check out our full guide on How to Say Hello in Italian.

At a Glance: Discover the Best of Italy



These phrases will not only help you understand the language spoken in Rome and other parts of Italy but will also enhance your travel experience. Whether you’re looking to translate Italian into English or just want to be polite, these phrases are your go-to guide for traveling in Italy from the US. Buon viaggio!

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